About Us

Julio Brandl
Working in care is a matter of the heart for most people. The digitalisation of care processes and the associated reduction of documentary, administrative or avoidable redundant activities allows the focus to be placed on the actual core activity: working with people. AssistMe contributes to making care smarter.
Our Advisory Board

Gregor Janknecht
Gregor looks back on many years of professional experience, including at Deloitte and Rocket Internet SE.
He now works at Next Big Thing AG as Chief Financial Officer and supports AssistMe as a member of the advisory board.
He sees digitization in the healthcare sector as crucial for improving working conditions and quality of care in elderly care.

Robert Conle
As managing director of the senior care facilities, Alpenland Pflegeheime Berlin GmbH, I am very familiar with the major challenges faced by care providers.
I believe that improvements for people who need care can only be achieved with smart technology.
That is the why I support AssistMe both as an investor and a member of the advisory board in trying to find solutions for one of the greatest care challenges.
Our Partners