Incontinence management
made simple with our app
Incontinence management
made simple with our app
New IT trend in the care sector:
Incontinence management via digital app
Digital incontinence management
A high percentage of nursing home residents suffer from incontinence. This is a major challenge for everyone involved. The smart sensors for incontinence products in combination with the AssistMe app make things easier:
- For residents: Minimize waiting times for incontinence products that need changing
For care staff: Eliminate time-consuming routine checks
- For care home management: Reduce costs for cleaning and materials
Digital incontinence management
A high percentage of nursing home residents suffer from incontinence. This is a major challenge for everyone involved. The smart sensors for incontinence products in combination with the AssistMe app make things easier:
- For residents: Minimize waiting times for incontinence products that need changing
For care staff: Eliminate time-consuming routine checks
- For care home management: Reduce costs for cleaning and materials
Our System
Sensor clip and charger (per resident)
Information gateway
Digital app (per caregiver)
Our System
Sensor clip and charger (per resident)
Information gateway (per section/floor)
Digital app (per caregiver)
Use the App in Everyday Care
How can incontinence care for nursing home residents be organized better?
The sensors on the incontinence products inform the care staff in real-time of the status of each resident. If an incontinence product has reached full capacity, the resident’s sensor reports this. The overview of all residents at all times in the app allows care staff to change an incontinence product at the appropriate time before leakage occurs. This results in greater comfort for the residents, less work and costs for the care home and more time for special moments in the stressful daily care routine.
Occasionally, a wrong in continence product is selected for a resident. The display showing which product is planned next for each resident is therefore helpful.
Incontinence features of the app:
- Overview of necessary incontinence product changes
Display of incontinence product to be used according to changing schedule
- List of all incontinence product changes performed, including the time
- Information regarding the regularity of bowel movements
Information about laxative administration
07:00 |
Basic care and changing of incontinence product |
08:30 |
Breakfast |
09:00 |
Incontinence product needs changing |
10:30 |
Routine check and incontinence product changed |
1h 30 min
in incontinence product in need of changing
07:00 |
Basic care and changing of incontinence product |
08:30 |
Breakfast |
09:00 |
App sends notification that incontinence product requires changing |
09:20 |
Incontinence product changed |
10:30 |
Chat with resident |
20 min
in incontinence product in need of changing
How can the prevention of pressure ulcers be made easier?
Supported positioning is an extremely important measure in pressure ulcer prevention. The AssistMe digital assistant cannot prevent pressure ulcers, but providing all the information at a glance in one app enables care staff to make the right decisions independently.
Positioning features of the app:
- Overview of actual positioning requirements of bedridden residents
Positioning reminder according to interval
- Automatic documentation of independent and supported change of position
18:00 |
Dinner |
19:30 |
Nighttime rest –supported positioning on back |
22:30 |
Routine check –supported positioning on right side, |
22:45 |
Independent positioning of resident on back |
02:30 |
Routine check with supported positioning on back |
Total of 6h 45 min
pressure load on back
during 8.5 hour period
Manual documentation of the supported position changes
18:00 |
Dinner |
19:30 |
Nighttime rest –supported positioning on back |
22:15 |
App sends positioning reminder |
22:30 |
Supported positioning on right side, automatic documentation |
22:45 |
Independent repositioning of resident on back |
23:00 |
App sends notification of independent change of position on back, automatic documentation |
23:15 |
Supported positioning on left side, automatic documentation |
02:15 |
App sends positioning reminder |
02:30 |
Routine check with supported positioning on back |
Total of 3h 30 min
pressure load on back
during 8.5 hour period
Automatic documentation of supported and autonomous position changes
How can the safety of individuals with dementia be ensured without restricting their freedom to move around?
Secure and non-secure areas are defined for disoriented residents. If a resident leaves a secure area, the care staff is notified immediately via the app. If the resident stays within their designated secure areas, they can move about freely and not have to be checked on constantly. The app therefore displays the location of residents with dementia that places little restriction on the freedom of nursing home residents.
App wandering tendency features:
Information about the current location of each resident
Immediate notification when a disoriented resident
leaves the secure area
19:30 |
Nighttime rest |
22:30 |
Routine check |
23:00 |
Resident is awake and wanders around the facility disoriented |
23:20 |
Resident sits in stairwell and waits |
02:30 |
Routine check, resident is not in room, search is carried out |
03:00 |
Resident found in stairwell and brought back to bed |
3h 40 min
disoriented resident in stairwell
30 min
spent finding unknown location of disoriented resident
193:0 |
Nighttime rest |
22:30 |
Routine check |
23:00 |
Resident is awake and wanders around the facility disoriented |
23:20 |
Resident sits in stairwell and waits, app sends out an alert that the person has left the secure area and reports their location to caregiver |
22:30 |
Routinecheck - unterstützte Positionierung auf rechte |
23:30 |
Caregiver brings resident back to room/bed |
02:30 |
Routine check, resident in bed |
10 min
disoriented resident in stairwell
No time
spent finding location of disoriented resident
How can care documentation be automated?
Each sensor clip automatically sends documentation-relevant data to the system. This enables consistent documentation, saves a lot of time and work, and reduces the error rate.
Care documentation features of the app:
- Automated documentation of stool elimination
Automated documentation of all incontinence product changes
- Automated documentation of body position
Documentation of manually entered additional information
Also suitable for care at home
Less uncertainty:
Clear information, everything at a glance.
Information anytime and anywhere:
Whether out shopping or at work – the current status is always at hand.
Fall asleep with peace of mind:
If action is required, the app sends an, immediate alert.